Ocho puntas
Es difícil definirlo como lugar, pues es solo un conjunto de rutas sin origen o destino claro. La gente no lo vive, lo transita cuando se ve obligado a ello y tienen las fuerzas para soportar su dureza y aspereza. Atravesarlo siempre tuvo algo de aventura y cualquier hecho que ocurra allí sirve para alimentar el anhelo de permanecer en él lo mínimo posible. Toda ciudad en lo más hondo de su alma tiene un rincón así. En este caso es una plaza cuyo centro esta custodiado por un ejercito de palomas y corona una estrella de ocho puntas.
Eight points
It is difficult to define it as a place, because it is only a set of routes without a clear origin or destination. People do not live there, they travel through it when they are forced to and have the strength to endure its hardness and roughness. Going through it has always had something of an adventure and any event that occurs there serves to feed the desire to stay there as little as possible. Every city has a corner like this in the depths of its soul. In this case it is a square whose center is guarded by an army of pigeons and crowned by an eight-pointed star.